"What's the plural of runner-up?"

The plural of runner-up is runners-up or runner-ups.

Definition of runner-up:

A person or team finishing in second place in a competition or contest.

Plural of Runner-up Example Sentences

    Single Examples:

    1. She was the runner-up in the national spelling bee.
    2. The team came in as the runner-up in the soccer tournament.
    3. He narrowly missed the first place and settled for the runner-up position.

    Plural Examples:

    1. The runners-up received silver medals for their outstanding performance.
    2. These are the past champions and runners-up of the tennis tournament.
    3. After a fierce competition, the judges announced the names of the runners-up.

Runner-ups vs. runner-ups

The graph shows the occurances of the plural of runner-up in written English since 1800 using Google's Ngram Viewer.



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The plural of runner-up is runners-up or runner-ups
The plural of runner-up is runners-up or runner-ups