The plural of crisis is crises.
A crisis is a negative event or change of circumstances, typically in some social, political or economic sphere.
The word "crisis" is a singular noun that refers to a time of great danger or difficulty, especially a turning point in a difficult situation.
It can be used to describe a variety of different situations, such as a financial crisis, a health crisis, or a political crisis.
The word "crisis" comes from the Greek κρίσις (krisis), which means "decision" or "judgment." It originally referred to a turning point in a person's illness, when their condition was either going to improve or deteriorate.
The word "crisis" was later adopted into English and took on a broader meaning, coming to refer to any difficult or critical situation.
The plural form "crises" is derived from the singular "crisis" and follows the regular rules for forming plurals in English. The plural form is used to refer to more than one crisis, as in "The world is facing multiple crises."
Here are a few examples that illustrate the difference between "crisis" and "crises":
"The country is facing a financial crisis. The government is working to find a solution before the crisis gets any worse." (singular)
"The company is experiencing multiple crises. There is a customer service crisis, a production crisis, and a financial crisis all at the same time." (plural)
"The crisis in the Middle East has been ongoing for years, with no end in sight." (singular)
"The world is facing several crises at the moment, including a refugee crisis, a climate crisis, and a pandemic crisis." (plural)
In each of these examples, "crisis" is used to refer to a single difficult or dangerous situation, while "crises" is used to refer to multiple such situations.