"What's the plural of offspring?"

The plural of offspring is offspring or offsprings.

Definition of offspring:

The child or young of a person, animal, or plant.

Plural of Offspring Example Sentences

    Single Examples:

    1. Her offspring inherited her artistic talent.
    2. The lioness fiercely protects her offspring.
    3. He takes pride in his children, his greatest offspring.

    Plural Examples:

    1. The ducks and their offspring swam together in the pond.
    2. During spring, many bird species raise their offspring.
    3. The farm had a large number of healthy offspring born this year.

Offspring vs. Offsprings

The graph shows the occurances of the plural of offspring in written English since 1800 using Google's Ngram Viewer.



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The plural of offspring is offspring or offsprings
The plural of offspring is offspring or offsprings