"What's the plural of formula?"

The plural of formula is formulae or formulas.

Definition of formula:

A formula is a set of symbols that expresses a rule or relationship between different quantities. It is typically used in mathematics and science to describe the relationship between different variables or to express a computational process.

Which is Correct: Formulas or Formulae?

The word "formula" comes from the Latin word "formula," which means "a small draft, sketch, or outline." It was originally used to refer to a short, concise statement or principle, such as a legal formula or a mathematical formula.

In English, the word "formula" can be either singular or plural, and both "formulas" and "formulae" are acceptable plurals.

In scientific and technical writing, the plural "formulae" is often used. This is because the word "formulae" is derived directly from the Latin plural, and it is considered to be more formal and scholarly.

In everyday speech and writing, the plural "formulas" is more common. This is because it is simpler and easier to pronounce than "formulae."

In general, it is a matter of personal preference whether you use "formulas" or "formulae" as the plural of "formula."

There is no hard and fast rule about which one is correct, and both are widely accepted.

However, if you are writing a formal academic paper or if you are working in a field where precision and technical language are important, you may want to use the plural "formulae."

Plural of Formula Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences that illustrate when to use "formula," "formulas," and "formulae":

  • "The formula for the area of a rectangle is A = l x w."

(Here, "formula" is used as a singular noun to refer to a specific set of symbols that express a rule or relationship.)

  • "There are many different formulas that we can use to solve math problems."

(Here, "formulas" is used as a plural noun to refer to multiple sets of symbols that express rules or relationships.)

  • "The formulae for calculating the volume of a cylinder and the surface area of a sphere are quite similar."

(Here, "formulae" is used as a plural noun to refer to multiple sets of symbols that express rules or relationships. This word is often used in academic or technical writing, as it is derived from the Latin plural and is considered more formal and scholarly.)

Formulae vs. formulas

The graph shows the occurances of the plural of formula in written English since 1800 using Google's Ngram Viewer.

Fun Fact:

In ancient Rome, lawyers used to create "formulas" as a shorthand way of referring to legal principles and procedures. These "formulas" were often written on small wooden tablets, which could be easily carried around and consulted as needed.

any set of symbols that expresses a rule or relationship between different quantities.

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The plural of formula is formulae or formulas
The plural of formula is formulae or formulas