The plural of aircraft is aircraft.
An aircraft refers to any vehicle designed for travel or operation through the air. It encompasses a wide range of flying machines, including airplanes, helicopters, gliders, and even drones.
The noun "aircraft" does have a plural form, although it may be surprising. The plural form of "aircraft" is, in fact, "aircraft." Regardless of whether you are referring to a single plane or a fleet of them, the word "aircraft" remains unchanged in both singular and plural contexts.
This is one of a small number of nouns whose plurals do not change in the English language. Other examples include the plural of moose, the plural of deer, and the plural of fish.
The absence of a distinct plural form for "aircraft" can be attributed to its historical roots. The word itself is derived from the combination of "air" and "craft," and it was initially used as a mass noun.
Mass nouns, also known as uncountable nouns, such as "water" or "sand," represent substances or concepts that do not have a specific plural form because they are considered as a whole.
Over time, this convention became widely accepted, and "aircraft" has retained its singular form for both singular and plural usage.
In grammatical terms, "aircraft" is considered an uncountable noun. Uncountable nouns, also known as mass nouns, refer to things that cannot be easily or logically counted as individual units.
They represent substances, concepts, or collections that are seen as a whole. For example, you cannot count "water" or "sand" in discrete units. Similarly, "aircraft" falls into this category, as it refers to the overall concept of flying machines rather than distinct, countable entities.
While there isn't a specific collective noun reserved for "aircraft," terms like "fleet," "squadron," or "formation" can be used to describe a group of airplanes or helicopters. These collective nouns evoke the image of multiple aircraft working together or flying in a coordinated manner.