"What's the plural of fish?"

The plural of fish is fish or fishes.

Definition of fish:

An aquatic vertebrate animal which breathes with gills and usually has fins and scales.

Fishes or Fish?

In English, the word "fish" can be used as a singular or a plural noun, depending on the context in which it is used.

When "fish" is used to refer to a single animal, it is a singular noun, and when it is used to refer to multiple animals, it is a plural noun. For example:

  • "I caught a fish at the lake yesterday." (singular)
  • "I caught several fish at the lake yesterday." (plural)

In general, the word "fish" is used as the plural form of the word when it is referring to a group of fish that are all of the same species, or when it is referring to a group of fish in general.

This is the most common way to use the word "fish" as a plural noun.

However, the word "fishes" can also be used as the plural form of the word "fish." This form is used when the group of fish being referred to includes multiple species or types of fish. For example:

  • "I saw many different species of fishes at the aquarium." (plural)

In this sentence, "fishes" is used as a plural noun to refer to a group of fish that includes multiple species or types.

It is worth noting that the word "fishes" is not used as commonly as the word "fish" as a plural noun, and it is generally considered to be more formal or technical in nature.

However, both forms are correct and can be used depending on the context and the intended meaning.

Plural of Fish Example Sentences

Here are some examples to illustrate the difference between "fish" (singular), "fish" (plural), and "fishes":

  1. "I caught a fish at the lake yesterday." - In this sentence, "fish" is a singular noun referring to one specific animal.

  2. "I caught several fish at the lake yesterday." - In this sentence, "fish" is a plural noun referring to more than one animal.

  3. "I saw many different species of fishes at the aquarium." - In this sentence, "fishes" is a plural noun referring to multiple species or types of fish.

  1. "The fish in the tank is very colorful." - In this sentence, "fish" is a singular noun referring to one specific animal.

  2. "I saw several fish swimming in the pond." - In this sentence, "fish" is a plural noun referring to more than one animal.

  3. "The fisherman caught a variety of fishes in his net." - In this sentence, "fishes" is a plural noun referring to multiple species or types of fish.

Fun Fact:

There are over 32,000 known species of fish in the world, making them the most diverse group of vertebrates on the planet.

Fish can be found in a wide range of environments, including freshwater, saltwater, and even underground.

Some species of fishes are adapted to live in extreme conditions, such as the deep sea, where they are able to survive in complete darkness and crushing pressures.

Other species of fish are able to live in shallow, sunny waters, and can be brightly colored and highly visible.





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