What's the Difference Between 'Avenge' and 'Revenge'?

In this blog post we look at when to use avenge and when to use revenge.

'Avenge' or 'Revenge'?

"Avenge" and "revenge" are two words that are often used to describe the act of seeking retribution or taking action against someone or something that has wronged or harmed someone. However, they have slightly different meanings and connotations.

"Avenge" is a verb that means to take action to seek retribution for a wrong or harm that has been inflicted on someone or something. It often implies a sense of justice or righting a wrong, and it can be used in both a positive and negative context. The word "avenge" comes from the Latin "advenire," which means "to come to."

"Revenge" is also a verb that means to take action in response to a wrong or harm that has been inflicted on someone or something. However, it often carries a negative connotation, as it implies a desire for retribution or retaliation, rather than a sense of justice. The word "revenge" comes from the Old French "revengier," which means "to revenge."

So, while "avenge" can be used to describe a desire to right a wrong or seek retribution, "revenge" often carries a negative connotation and implies a desire for retaliation.

Here are some examples to illustrate the difference:

  • The superhero vowed to avenge the death of his parents. (Correct)

  • The superhero vowed to revenge the death of his parents. (Correct, but with a negative connotation)

  • The soldier's mission was to avenge the fallen comrades. (Correct)

  • The soldier's mission was to revenge the fallen comrades. (Correct, but with a negative connotation)

  • The detective was determined to avenge the victim's death by bringing the killer to justice. (Correct)

  • The detective was determined to revenge the victim's death by bringing the killer to justice. (Correct, but with a negative connotation)

Examples of Avenge in a Sentence

Here are some example sentences using the word avenge.

  1. The superhero vowed to avenge the death of his parents.

  2. The soldier's mission was to avenge the fallen comrades.

  3. The detective was determined to avenge the victim's death by bringing the killer to justice.

  4. The villagers banded together to avenge the attack on their village.

  5. The king sent his knights to avenge the insult to his honor.

  6. The team was motivated to avenge their loss in the championship game.

  7. The warrior vowed to avenge the dishonor to his clan.

  8. The superhero used her powers to avenge the injustice done to her people.

  9. The vigilante sought to avenge the suffering of the innocent.

  10. The soldier was honored to avenge the fallen heroes of his country.

Examples of Revenge in a Sentence

Here are some example sentences using the word avenge.

  1. The villain sought revenge on the hero for foiling his plans.

  2. The scorned lover plotted revenge against her ex-partner.

  3. The team was determined to get revenge for their defeat in the last game.

  4. The soldier vowed to seek revenge on the enemy for his comrades' deaths.

  5. The pirate sought revenge against the captain who had wronged him.

  6. The team was motivated by a desire for revenge after their loss in the championship game.

  7. The criminal sought revenge against the police officer who had arrested him.

  8. The mafia boss plotted revenge against the rival who had betrayed him.

  9. The victim's family sought revenge against the perpetrator of the crime.

  10. The scorned lover took revenge by spreading malicious rumors about her ex-partner.

Avenge or Revenge
Avenge or Revenge