What's the Difference Between 'Arctic' and 'Artic'?

In this blog post we look at when to use arctic and when to use artic.

'Arctic' or 'Artic'?

The words "Arctic" and "artic" are often confused in the English language.

The confusion may arise from the fact that "Arctic" is often mispronounced as "artic." 

It's important to note that while "artic" is often a misspelling of "Arctic," it is actually a recognized word according to the Merriam Webster dictionary. It is an abbreviation of ‘articulated lorry’.

"Arctic" refers to the region surrounding the North Pole, while "artic" is not commonly used in English, but it can be an abbreviation for "articulated lorry."

"Arctic" can also describe something that is very cold or icy.

For example, you might say, "The Arctic tundra is home to many unique species of plants and animals."

On the other hand, an "articulated lorry" is a type of truck with a pivoting joint that allows it to bend in the middle. You might say, "The company uses articulated lorries to transport large quantities of goods across the country."

In conclusion, by keeping in mind the differences between "Arctic" and "artic," you can avoid confusion and use them correctly in your writing. "Arctic" refers to the cold region surrounding the North Pole, while "artic" can refer to an articulated lorry, a type of truck with a pivoting joint.

Here are a few more examples to illustrate the differences between "Arctic" and "artic":

  • The group of scientists traveled to the Arctic to study the effects of climate change on the region.

  • The Arctic Pole is home to many large mammals such as wolves, polar bears, and walruses.

  • The runners endured almost arctic conditions in order to complete the marathon.

  • The driver of the 'artic' carefully maneuvered the truck through the narrow streets.

Arctic or Artic
Arctic or Artic

