What's the Difference Between 'Acception' and 'Exception'?

In this blog post we look at when to use acception and when to use exception.

'Acception' or 'Exception'?

Acception and exception are two words that are often confused because they sound similar, but only the word exception is used in modern English.  The word acception is now obsolete and is no longer accepted as an English word.

Acception is not a commonly used word in modern English. It is a rare and archaic term that means "acceptance" or "reception." It is no longer in widespread use and is not generally recognized as a standard English word.

Exception, on the other hand, is a common English word that means "an instance that does not follow a rule or conform to a generalization." It is often used to describe something that is unusual or different from what is expected or typical.

For example:

  • The teacher made an exception for the student and allowed him to turn in his homework late.

  • The company has a strict policy, but they made an exception for the employee and allowed him to work from home.

In summary, exception is a common English word that means "an instance that does not follow a rule or conform to a generalization," while acception is a rare and archaic term that means "acceptance" or "reception."

Examples of Exception in a Sentence

Here are ten example sentences using the word exception:

  1. The teacher made an exception for the student and allowed him to turn in his homework late.

  2. The company has a strict policy against hiring people with criminal records, but they made an exception for the applicant because he had turned his life around and had a strong recommendation from his previous employer.

  3. The rule is that all employees must wear a uniform, but there is an exception for those who have a religious or cultural dress code that conflicts with the uniform.

  4. The general rule is that pets are not allowed in the park, but service animals are an exception and are allowed to enter with their handlers.

  5. The government made an exception to the travel ban for essential workers.

  6. The store has a policy against returns, but they made an exception for the customer because the product was defective.

  7. The school has a strict attendance policy, but they made an exception for the student because she had a valid excuse for being absent.

  8. The company has a policy against working on weekends, but they made an exception for the employee because of the urgent deadline.

  9. The rule is that all guests must leave by 10pm, but there is an exception for overnight guests.

  10. The organization has a policy against hiring people who smoke, but they made an exception for the applicant because she had excellent qualifications and experience.

Acception or Exception
Acception or Exception